Give me a break, please. I'm new to this .
If you've read the discription, you know I can't stand the half truths and outright lies of the current administration. I try to look at the world and question everything ( almost everything) and for the life of me, I can't understand how George W.(warmonger) Bush was elected president for a second term. And please, don't let me get started about the connections ( real and implied) (Tricky Dick ) our VP has with big money. What has happened to our nation? Are so many of our citizens so busy ( or maybe greedy) that they can't and don't want to know the truth about whats going on in the world around us. Can't they see that the current hawkish stance of the US is creating the next wave of real terrorists ( not just "insurgents" trying to drive out an invading army) and giving them cause to strike out at americans everywhere? What would any of you do if if your homes were bombed. If your family were killed and all you got were a polite " Sorry bout that " and a check.
Please god, let our people think and open their eyes .
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