Hello! Hello! Does anybody out there care? Do you realize we are traveling down a dangerous path? Are we not a civilized nation of rational, thinking, and aware people? Don't inteligent people think about how their actions are going to affect things around them? Don't inteligent people pay attention to their leaders? And doesn't thoughtfull reflection tell us that our leaders are presently playing "cold war " politics with the people of what is still the FREE nation of the United States of America? Do you think that an honest person would knowingly lie and use the opinions of an obscure butt kisser with wacked out ideas ( with no basis in reality it appears) to justify taking the stability of our elderly and asking the people to GAMBLE the future on such an unstable " poker game " like stock markets and futures markets. After a lot of research, its apparent that the only winners in the stock and futures markets are the traders themselves and the already rich that get preferential treatment. How can the average citizen hope to just keep up, much less have a profitable outcome with odds like that? You'ld have as good a chance taking your retirement money and placing it on a roulette table.
Please inform yourself! This world is getting dangerously unstable. Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in fear of their neighbors and their own government. When we go through life looking no further in front of us that the tips of our shoes, we have little chance of making a world that will be both free and safe. But we have to look, without any sort of blinders, into the future and realize what we, our leaders, and the people and leaders of other cultures are doing and allowing to be done to our people and our world.
This is how my world looks through my eyes. I am not stupid enough to believe I know everything there is to know, but I am thoughtfull and consider this world and the future of it and our children of the utmost importance. I also believe that we, the american people, deserve and must demand truth and honesty from our leaders. So here is my soul! ( these are my opinions and may not be factual although I will not put anything I know to be untrue on these pages)
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Friday, January 21, 2005
Whats With These People
Please god save us from ourselves. What can I say? First thing on the news this morning, our V P says Iran is not making nice. ( not a quote) What does that say to people in the region right after a news report saying the US is determining targets in Iran. I thought our leaders wern't totaly, completely, stupid idiots, even though, imho, they have been acting like zealots from day one. Are they, under the guise of promoting freedom, trying to restart the religious crusades of long ago? Are they realy as educated as they are supposed to be? I thought higher education consisted of teaching people to THINK and look for TRUTH in any major undertaking. When I weigh the actions and rhetoric of the current administration with the current and recent events in the world, I find it hard to believe that an honest, thinking, educated person or group could do and say the things that these people have been getting away with unless they had some secret agenda. What other reason could there be for Nazi like tactics used to decieve and keep in line the american people. When was the last time we had so many people in the news because they got fired ( lost their means of feeding their family) for voicing discontent with an administrations policies? That would appear to most people to be inappropriate and undue pressure to shape public opinion. Isn't that against the law? And while we're at it, isn't lying to congress against the law? It seemed to be when (wild) Bill Clinton did it. Why hasn't someone " INDICTED" George W.(warmonger) Bush on charges of lying to congress? He and any inteligent, thinking person (imho) has to know that John Kerry was right in his " off air " statement about the whole lot being a bunch of liars. Another crime commited by this administration is taking our country to war for regime change. I wasn't realy the most civic minded person ( not a fanatic about keping up on the worlds problems) in America, but wasn't there a law passed and ratified that prohibits going to war just to change the existing power structure or regime that is currently in power. Listen to the reasons for this war now and you'ld think it was always about freeing the people of Iraq. Stop Sadam Hussein (?) from killing his own people. Well, they have no freedon, our sons and daughters are dying by the thousands and innocent Iraqi women and children and even men too, are dying by the tens of thousands. Only now, its our young men and women who are being put in the position of having to do such atrocious things or risk being killed or maimed themselves. ( Do our sons and daughters derserve to be put in this situation after they volunteer to protect us and our way of life.) .
If you think peace and tolerance are just " the right thing to do" drop me an email.
If you think peace and tolerance are just " the right thing to do" drop me an email.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
First day of the rest of the world
Give me a break, please. I'm new to this .
If you've read the discription, you know I can't stand the half truths and outright lies of the current administration. I try to look at the world and question everything ( almost everything) and for the life of me, I can't understand how George W.(warmonger) Bush was elected president for a second term. And please, don't let me get started about the connections ( real and implied) (Tricky Dick ) our VP has with big money. What has happened to our nation? Are so many of our citizens so busy ( or maybe greedy) that they can't and don't want to know the truth about whats going on in the world around us. Can't they see that the current hawkish stance of the US is creating the next wave of real terrorists ( not just "insurgents" trying to drive out an invading army) and giving them cause to strike out at americans everywhere? What would any of you do if if your homes were bombed. If your family were killed and all you got were a polite " Sorry bout that " and a check.
Please god, let our people think and open their eyes .
If you've read the discription, you know I can't stand the half truths and outright lies of the current administration. I try to look at the world and question everything ( almost everything) and for the life of me, I can't understand how George W.(warmonger) Bush was elected president for a second term. And please, don't let me get started about the connections ( real and implied) (Tricky Dick ) our VP has with big money. What has happened to our nation? Are so many of our citizens so busy ( or maybe greedy) that they can't and don't want to know the truth about whats going on in the world around us. Can't they see that the current hawkish stance of the US is creating the next wave of real terrorists ( not just "insurgents" trying to drive out an invading army) and giving them cause to strike out at americans everywhere? What would any of you do if if your homes were bombed. If your family were killed and all you got were a polite " Sorry bout that " and a check.
Please god, let our people think and open their eyes .
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